EPIN1020 Design Thinking and Practice 

CUHK 2018-2019 Semester 1

Prof. Bernard Suen

A collection of assignments from the class

By Anissa Ng 

Assignment #1

Link to Airtable


  • Find a subject of interest to you (KPop, books, movies, fashion, traveling, etc.) and build a database using Airtable to study it.
  • Create tables, build relationships, and use views (Calendar, Gallery, and Kanban) to display your contents (At least 10 entries).

About this database

  • Database name: Reverse Takeover 
  • Description: The purpose of this database is to use the data scraped from HKEX (all the Announcements and Notices made related to Reverse Takeover in the past year) so to look into the current status of the listed companies that had undergone a reverse takeover. Through the data collected, I hope to understand the legitimacy of the public listed companies that had been reversely taken over.
  • Tables: Announcements and Circulars on Reverse Takeover in the past year
  • Views: 
     a. Kanban view: quick look at the current status of these listed companies which had undergone a reverse takeover
     b. Calendar view: sorted by the date the Announcements and Notices are made
     c. Grid view: the original scraped database
Link to website for data representation and analysis (as part of Assignment #4)

Assignment #2
Basic Web Development


Write a JavaScript program to create a puzzle (feel free to design a math or word puzzle as you wish). Ask the player to input values through HTML form and display the result inside a box (with an ID selector) positioned inside the browser.

Created a website from scratch using HTML and JavaScript. Takes input to devise the Greatest Common Divisor


Assignment #3
Data Scraping

I scraped data from the CUHK Faculty of Law and made a directory as practice


  • Scrape a website with ParseHub and bring it into Refine for cleaning. 
  • Submit project file (tar.gz) with all the refining steps
Link to Github folder for the xlsx and tag.gz files

Note: The data in Assignment #4 is also scraped using ParseHub. The scraping process was more complicated than the above assignment as the data can only be generated through a function like a search engine, requires clicking through options in dropdown menus, and results are not displayed in a unique URL.

Assignment #4 
Data representation

Using data to analyze the significance of Reverse Takeover in Hong Kong's Equity Capital Market


  • Rework your Airtable assignment with a specific audience in mind. Ask: a) Who will be interested in seeing this? b) What do they want to see? c) Why do they want to see it?
  • Also ask: Do I have enough content to keep them interested? If not, where can I find additional data and how? This question may lead to additional research works for identifying data sources such as open data and scraping. You may have to bring the imported open data and scrapped data into Airtable for additional processing (with formula and rollup)
  • Develop actionable metrics and put them into the appropriate views for display
  • Embed your views into a web page with supporting navigation aids (e.g. menu) and UI patterns to make the end results more engaging.

Assignment #5
Google Analytics

Using Google Analytics to track this website

Current goals

  1. Engagement: viewers check out my website for more than 15 seconds
  2. Engagement: viewers click into my site for assignment #4

About Me

I hope you found this website somewhat useful, or at least, interesting!

You can reach me at anissa.ng(at)link.cuhk.edu.hk

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Anissa Ng
CUHK Law student
My Github pageNew!

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