Warmest welcome,

Thank you for making CUHK even better.

4 reasons to use CUHub


Particularly useful for reaching new audience, given our daily user of 4,000 users (accounting for 1/4th of total no. of Undergraduate students)


Monitor reach, know the effectiveness of promotion unlike physical posters


Reduce cost on paper, posters and banners for pomotion, also time for putting up all the posters and asking for permissions for different notice boards. Go Green!


All-in-one platform, simple to use

 Event Calendar

Below you can see all current events organized by some of our earliest users. 

 Testimonial from CUHK Event Organizers*

"With the addition of CUHub as an online promoting platform for our past event, we've achieved a 365% increase in the website traffic and resulted in a 40% increase in our event attendance.This is a record high."

John Ng

EVP of Shaw Band

"CUHub is such an easy platform to natvigate! Adding the event using Airtable wasn't difficult at all even for a non-techie like me. It is also great that we can be both environmentally friendly and cut cost on making posters and banners."

Audrey Chan

CUHK Nursing Society

"CUHub is a great addition as it is a an all-in-one platform for both CUHK organizers and students to check out all events on campus, welcoming local, non-local, and exchange students"

Chris Lee

CUSU Secretary

 Airtable form

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*The above testimonials are created just for the purpose of EPIN1020 final project, they do not represent the views of persons of these societies.

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